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Founded in 1930, the Buccaneers is a wandering cricket club with Sunday fixtures, usually all day, throughout the South East of England from Oxford and Henley to Maidstone, Hurstpierpoint and Hurlingham.

"Let us take our stand and play the game, but rather for the cause than for the fame"

Howard Spencer

By richard | February 21, 2017

President, Simon Woolfries writes: Howard Spencer, one of the Club’s longest serving Vice Presidents, has died. He was a regular … Continue reading

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Buccaneers host Annual Dinner as 2016 averages are revealed

By richard | February 10, 2017

Thursday 9th February saw the 2016 holding of the Annual Dinner at the East India Club. Over 40 members and … Continue reading

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Did lucky Leefe buy those Lottery tickets?

By richard | September 20, 2016

The annoying phenomenon of sunny weekdays and overcast weekends curtailed the start of the 2016 House Match at Betchworth, but … Continue reading

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