Why not join us for the Annual Dinner, held at the East India Club, Pall Mall on Thursday 27th October 2022 at 18.45.
Dr Sarah Fane OBE has been asked to propose the toast to the Club. Sarah is currently Director of the MCC Foundation and previously as a medical doctor visiting Afghanistan, she was inspired to set up Afghan Connection, a charity which, from 2002-20, supported some 500,000 children with Health, Education and Cricket in Afghanistan. The charity helped build and renovate 130 schools and trained more than 1000 teachers. In partnership with the MCC and alongside the meteoric rise of the Afghanistan National Cricket Team, it delivered cricket projects to more than 100,000 young people.
Why not also attend the annual Annual General Meeting before Dinner at 18.30. The agenda for the AGM will be available shortly.
Please note that due to cost increases, tickets will this year be £60 per person.
To book your Dinner ticket, please contact David Close at dclose@griffithsandarmour.com or on 07947 370069.
The Committee